
Hold On

The other night I tucked Cj in for bedtime and he inquired why the lights had to go off too.  Why couldn't he just sleep with the lights on? After providing what I felt was a pretty thorough explanation, he told me very simply that he just didn't like the lights off. I asked him why and he said, 

"...because I can't see."

So simple. 

He didn't say he was scared. I mean, perhaps he was, but those weren't the words he used.  It was because he just can't see in the dark, and well, he didn't like that very much.


I can understand that. I'll admit right along with Colin that I much rather prefer the lights on and the sense of control and security there is with being able to see what's in front of me. 

To see where the shadows come from.

But hold on to what you believe in the light / When the darkness has robbed you of all your sight

So easy to say. So much harder to do. 

These lyrics {from Mumford and Sons} have been ringing inside of my head for the last week and a half and there are a variety of seasons in my life where these words resonate with me in different ways.  Right now I am feeling refreshed and awake and energized.  But when I am tired or so-worn-down-that-my-body-aches-and-I-just-need-to-sit-down-and-not-move or just plain exhausted, I want to remember these moments, these days when I have the strength, when my heart and my mind are not in constant conflict, when there is clarity.  

The same way I reassure Colin that the things in his room are the same things in his room when the lights go off, I want to feel safe and encouraged by the things I know and believe to be true. 

I want to breathe. 

To those of you who are struggling and are having trouble seeing clearly because you are blind in the dark, hold on. Yes there may be days where we cannot see what is in front of us, or the next step we need to take, but press on. Talk about it and share the truest, deepest recesses of your heart in those darkest of moments.  We are not alone. It helps us heal. It helps to trust again. We are moving forward and there is hope. 

The tunnel will end and there will be light once again.