
Oh so hello again

I haven't written in almost a month. Wow. How does a month fly by so quickly? Each week I get caught up preparing for the weekend and then those few short days go by even faster than I can say 'fiesta'.


Every time.  You would think I'd grow wise and learn from these experiences. Not so my friend. Not so.

{Hm, but maybe this week…}

The end of April into May was crazie. Best friend's wedding, our son's third birthday, the cesspool backing up, plus a coxsackie episode with a consequent quarantine pretty much sum up just a handful of the various occurances that took place over the last thirty days.

Last night I was able to take a few pictures that capture the essence of many a day here in our home. My Tj managed to get into a tub of aquaphor and I caught him bathing in it. It was all over his hair, his pajamas and his belly.  Oh also, this was immediately after I had given him a bath AND just before we were trying to get into the car to go somewhere.

I'm not sure. He might have digested some of it too.

Any other time I would have muttered 'frustration!' under my breath and quickly shamed myself for leaving him alone for more than a second since I should have known better.  But, for whatever reason, I just couldn't stop laughing.   I mean, it was so funny. I was actually trying to hold in all my giggles in so that he could see that the importance of the situation; this was not a very nice thing to do.  I think he knew anyway.


when i ask him 'what happened?', he just looks away and stares

he just moves his eyes back to me when i ask him to look at me

'what this? oh this is nothing'

'hi momma!'

I proceeded to throw him right back into the shower for a quick second (which actually was NOT quick…who knew aquaphor refuses to be washed out).

Life gets the best of us sometimes. It's nice when I am aware of this reality and can move forward instead of using up my energy to get so frustrated.  It doesn't mean I won't ever feel defeated, it's just nice when I am able to catch myself before I do. I like the peace I feel when I can allow my perspective to shift towards accepting the moment and seeing what I can do to make lemonade out of it instead.

I still look forward to at least a month  a week of sans crazie though. One week. Is that too much to ask?